Thursday, September 25, 2008


From the President
I would like to thank all of the stockholders that were able to attend the special stockholder’s meeting that we had Monday, the 22nd. I am sorry not more stockholders were able to attend but I understand that people are busy. The first order of business that we discussed was the Aurora Note that has been called due. It was voted that we would refinance the balance due with Happy State Bank for 10 years. Included in that was the decision that CCC is going to take the money from the sale of 3 lots and add to that money that was in the land CD and payoff the cart note, eliminating a $1,400 monthly payment. The second order of business is the stockholder’s voted to allow the board to use up to $15,000 of the land CD to pay any bills they need to during the winter months. It is a struggle every winter to make the obligations that the club has. During the past two years we have borrowed money to make bills, hopefully we won’t have to borrow or use the money allowed to the board by the stockholders.

We still have lots for sale and if you know of anyone that is thinking about building please mention to him or her about our lots and how beautiful it is down here. We also have the 40 plus acres we would like to sale. It would be nice if a developer would buy them and start a housing development so if you know a developer mention to them about the land.

It has been a great summer and let’s hope that the fall is a good one so that we can continue to play golf.

Jerry Neufeld
President – Board of Directors

From the Ladies Auxiliary
The Vice President reminded the members that meetings will be held on the 2nd Thursday in the fall and winter months. The next scheduled meeting will be October 9th at 7:00 p.m.

Lady members we need to "SELL MORE TICKETS" for the Auxiliary raffle, and get the money turned in. The drawing will be Saturday, September 27th following play.

We will be using funds already raised this year to purchase a new deep fat fryer for the café.

The Ladies Auxiliary will also be hosting a Halloween Party on Friday, October 31st, starting at approx. 6:30 pm:

This will be a covered dish affair, so ladies and gents bring out those cookbooks and stir up your favorite dish, as we share in fellowship and fun.

There will also be a pie/cake auction on this evening as one of the activities to help raise money to put back into our facilities.

We would like to ask everyone to please dress up in a costume and come and enjoy the fun it is not a requirement to dress up, but it is Halloween!!!

Ladies of the auxiliary, and anyone else who would like help decorate for this event, we will begin decorating following play on Saturday, October 25th. If you can not play that morning, just come and join us around 2:00.

Congratulations again to Cindy Guelker for making her first hole in one……Way to go Cindy!!!!!

***The auxiliary would also like to remind all auxiliary members, they will not be eligible to win the hole in one jackpot if they have not paid the $5.00 fee. This money is to be given to Laurie Hollingsworth.

From the Golf Shop

The Senior Partnership will be held on October 11th & 12th. This is open to men who are 50 years old or older. The first day will be a scramble and the second day will be low ball. Flights will be determined by your combined handicap. Call the golf shop to sign up your team or for more information.

The only high school tournament for this school year will be held on Friday, October 24th. The Canyon ISD tournament will start at 8:30 a.m. The course will re-open at 1:30 p.m.

Thanks to everyone who participated in this years tournaments. I appreciate everyone of you for playing. Congratulations to all of you who won or placed in any of these events.

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