Thursday, January 31, 2013

February 2013

From the President
Well the first month in the New Year is already at an end. I hope that all of you had a great 2012 and are looking forward to lots of golf in 2013! We had a good turn-out for the 2013 Stockholders Meeting on the 21st. We really missed all the members who could not make it. I would like to sincerely thank Charles McClure, Trish Giocamazzi and David Stephenson for their hard work over the last year. New board members elected were Bob Lang, Roger Senter and Chad Pernell. Be sure to talk to any board member when you have a concern (or even a compliment).

I am sorry to report that Janice Price has resigned from the board. The board will be looking for a replacement over the next few weeks. Many Thanks to Janice for all you have done for the club.

The main well on the course has been replaced and will be in operation soon. Please pray for rain so that we don’t have to use it quite as much this year. We hope to have a couple of work days this year and I hope you can all find some time to lend a hand with special projects to spruce up the course. I would like to ask everyone to stay on the cart paths as much as possible to help protect the grass in the fairways and rough. This time of year the grass really takes a beating, please help us out as much as possible.

The Polar Bear Tournament is coming up soon and is filling fast. Call Tim if you are interested in playing, we need a full field for this one!
Hope everyone can come down and play as the weather permits.


From the Pro
Greetings to all!! Well we finally got a reprieve from the weeks of ice cold weather and actually have gotten some play at the course recently. It’s about time!! Hopefully the warmth will continue and we can have a steady flow of players on the course. Lets keep our fingers crossed that the warm weather is here to stay!!

Well there were no events to talk about last month, but we do have the Polar Bear scramble set for the 2nd and 3rd of February. Looking at the long range forecast, it appears as though we are in for some decent temperatures that weekend. Hope it’s correct!! Haha. I will post the results in next months newsletter for you all to see.

While on the subject of play at the course, I have a favor to ask all of you. When we have these 70 degree days in the middle of a cold snap, everybody has the same idea…to get out and play some golf. It would be a tremendous help if instead of just showing up and assuming you can walk right out and play, could you please call us at the golf shop and set up a tee time?? It helps us to have an idea of what to expect for the day, and it will help you by knowing what time you are scheduled for. When you simply show up it may take us 30 minutes or more to be able to find a slot for you to fit in. I hate to have you waiting for a long time when it can be taken care of with a phone call. Thanks very much for your help in this matter!!

Not much else to report on as of now. Lets hope for the warm temps to stay around for a while, and hope to see you all at your club very soon!!

Tim Davis, Golf Professional

Ladies Auxillary

Officers for the Ladies Auxiliary for coming year are:

President - Deanna Sowers

Vice President - Kay Reynolds

Secretary - Karolyn Farmer

Treasurer - Jan McFather

Parliamentarian - Sue Herring

New Countertops have been installed in the restaurant and Teresa's brother (Joe) put in the new backsplash over sink. This backsplash was donated Lynn J. All ladies need to express their gratitude to him for his help.

Thanks to Tim and all the ladies that helped in the removal of the wallpaper on the back wall of the bar room last Saturday, January12th. Tim has offered to paint that wall, and will start work on it the week of January 14th.

The Tournament Schedule for 2013 was discussed. The present schedule has the Ladies Guest Day set for Thursday, May 2nd. The Grandmothers/50 and Over is set for Thursday, June 6th, two days before the Ladies Chaparral, which is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, June 8 and 9. There was discussion to have Guest Day on Thursday, August 8th, and to have Grandmothers/50 and Over on Thursday, May 2nd. Deanna will check on the tournament schedules of other courses in the area to see if there are any conflicts, before changing these two tournaments.
All ladies are invited to join the CCC Ladies Auxiliary, you do not have to play golf, just be a member of the Club. Membership dues: $20 or $21 each, with $1 extra to be eligible for the hole-in-one pay-off. There is now $288 in the hole-in-one fund.
We will continue to have Bunco Night twice a month until Wednesday Ladies Night play begins, Wednesday, April 10th. Everyone is invited the more the merrier.

Remember all lady members of the Club are invited to take part in the High Plains Ladies Golf Association. The cost is $18 to join the association, and $35 to play each month. The first play day will be the second Wednesday of April, and play will continue each month through October. Play will be held at area courses in the Panhandle and eastern New Mexico. For more information contact Kay Reynolds at 499-3310.

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