Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January 2013

From the President
Another Christmas has come and gone. Hope everyone had a great time and got all the toys you wanted. I know a few members who were probably on the naughty side of Santa’s list and they most likely missed out on the presents. Once again the weather has been nice and many of you have been able to get out and play a couple of rounds.
Thankfully, we have great news regarding the main well on the course. As you know, the motor had to be pulled and it was determined that it had burned up. The insurance people determined that it had been hit by lightning and are paying for the replacement except for the deductible. This is a big load off the club. We are still watering with the small well and due to the cooler weather, have been able to keep everything in pretty good shape.
The Christmas party was a great success and everyone seemed to have a real good time. Thanks to Teresa for the excellent meal and to Janice for all the planning.

Hope everyone can come down and play as the weather permits. Also start planning for the Stockholders meeting on January 21st. We need everyone to be there! Hope everyone has a wonderful New Year!!


From the Pro
Well December 21st came and went and the end of the world was avoided once again!! Haha. I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and have a wonderful New Year!!! With the cold weather and some snow even, there has not been a whole lot going on around your club. Play has been extremely slow this past month, and unfortunately we have not had the best of golf weather. But hopefully all that will change and we can get some play going on over here!!

As of this writing, the Polar Bear tournament is set for February 2nd and 3rd of 2013. Cant believe it’s already 2013, wow!! If you want to get yourself and your partner signed up for this, either stop by the golf shop or give us a ring and we will put you in. As always, play will be 2 person teams for this 2 day scramble. Hopefully we have lots of teams sign up for it this year!!

I will be extending my Christmas Sale pricing on merchandise through January. If there is something you need or want to get for someone please stop on by the shop. If I don’t have what you’re looking for, remember I can always order it up for you!! Lets all keep our fingers crossed for a great upcoming year here at the club. Come on by and play some golf once it warms up. Looking forward to seeing you all very soon!!

Tim Davis, Golf Professional


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